February 17, 2025

Does Your Environment Support Sleep?


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Some spaces invite sleep. They are peaceful, quiet, and comfortable to relax in. A good environment helps you get to sleep quickly and stay asleep longer. When you get a good night’s sleep, you can focus more, decrease your stress, and support your immune system. With all these benefits, making sure you’re space is sleep ready should be something you strive for.


Consider Your Mattress and Bedding

Do you light to sleep under or over your sheets? Do you prefer a heavy or light weighted blanket? Our bedding is a matter of preference, and each person has reasons for choosing what they do. The same goes for your mattress. Some like a firm mattress, while others prefer a softer one.


Sometimes, you might not be able to choose your mattress. This works out just fine if the mattress you’re dealing with feels comfortable. If not, you have options. Sleepyhead offers two options of premium mattress toppers to up your level of comfort. The first is a gel option, while the second is a copper mattress topper.


The copper mattress topper helps align your spine and keep your body temperature low. The topper is washable, antimicrobial, and hypoallergenic. Sleepyhead toppers come with a 90-night trial and a “good until graduation” guarantee.


Once your bedding is sorted, adding a topper to your mattress should have you well on your way to a good night’s sleep.


Consider the Level of Light in Your Room

Our circadian rhythm is guided by the rise and fall of the moon and sun. Our exposure to artificial light throughout the day can affect this rhythm. It’s best to keep your bedroom light low to reset your system and slip away to sleep more easily. This light level may also encourage you to stay asleep through the night, waking rested in the morning.


Consider the Noise in Your Room

There is no doubt that sleeping in a quiet room is better than sleeping in a loud room. This is not always possible, especially if you live in a dorm or have roommates. If you are not controlling the noise level in your space, consider wearing earplugs or turning on a fan at night. You may also use a sleep app on your phone that can provide white noise, which may encourage sleep. Noise-reducing curtains are also available if the noise disrupting your sleep comes from the outdoors.


Room Temperature

This is another issue you might not control, depending on your situation. Most adults experience a temperature drop while sleeping, which may benefit your sleep if you like sleeping in cooler temperatures. The bedding you choose can help you regulate your temperature at night, as well as the mattress topper you add to your bed.



As you can see, there are several ways to alter the environment you sleep in to take advantage of the situation. Pay attention to what works for you and utilize options available to help you reach your goal of 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

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